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The Big Badgers program is designed to help the newbie in need. Basically, oldies, or those experienced with how the SBMB works, are paired with newbies, who are obviously less well-versed in the methods of the UBA community. Your Big Badger will be able to answer many of the questions that a newbie might otherwise be thwapped for asking (see Newbie disclaimer). The only requirement for being an oldie is a subjective one; you must decide whether you are familiar enough with board operations to instruct someone else. Signing up is simple; you can post on the board advertising that you wish to become a part of the program in either capacity. However, I cannot guarantee that I will see such posts unless they are clearly marked; in which case send any questions/decisions to gandalf159753@yahoo.com -Happy hunting!
1. Alix & Melanie 2. ValaV & Captain Dom 3. Annie (Urban Dingo) & Ash 4. Jayne H & Caitlin 5. Lauren (Canadian chick)& Meg (me) 6. Cassy Brainard & Jessa 7. Dragon & Little Miss Lucifer 8. Anndi Malfoy & Amber Glen 9. Justine Wiskirchen & KtDiD 10. Cutie Pie & Bitch Watson 11. Rachel Grogan & Ness 12. Katie Grabil & ValaV 13. Nicki Yingling & Ally Schaan 14. Lisl Petitesl & Nicole Porcupine 15. Allison & Jessica Stewart (Rohtia Viridis) 16. Sue & Becca Black 17. Twisted Vagabond & Deina Farrell 18. Seanus & Mai Tai Chicken 19. KtDid & Katye Black 20. Beth M & Rachel (Fiwen) 21. Courtney Eilerman + Emma, Queen of the Yukon & Rhia 22. Nikki Bellante & Katie Poole 23. Jessi Grant & Xtina 24. *EmiLy & Alisha Mcnally (Lady) 25. Gingerbread & Magalie Zednik 26. Brittany Benson & Jenifer Bradford 27. JuZ AnOtHeR NoRmAL GuRL & Liz Pusateri 28. Lynns World & Mary Clare C 29. Caitlin & Ingy 30. Random & Alex 31. Becca Hand & Diane 32. Raquel Fernandez & Jessica Jordahl 33. Grace Webster & Hedge Hog 34. Jaydence & Belly Button 35. Hayley Kirkam (Morwen) & Kaleigh R 36. Daisies & Stephanie T 37. Jenn & Mercutio Marfaolicious 38. Katie Cameron & Kroots 39. Calliope Knight & Christie Ponton 40. Kylaia A. & Peaseblossom 41. *Jerrica Benton* & DeViLiSh WoMaN 42. Spideys Girl & Klo M 43. Coro Maggot & Sunrise City 44. Kelsey Lynn & Holly Elliot 45. Ellen Costello (In Loving Memory) & Lys 46. Tyler & Tasty Lemon & Gone fishing with Tom 47. Melissa C & Nancy Bruce 48. Jessi Warwick & Charity Lenderman 49. Mandi K & Chelsea 50. Cindy Conners (4ever Bored), Gi Smith & Silly rabbit 51. Emily Mierendorf & Christina 52. Juju Berry & Leia 53. Melisus & ~*fredskittie*~ 54. Danielle F & Amber Louise-Cooke 55. Katy F & Stephanie Bloom 56. Bliss D & Gary 57. Peta F & Katie Belle 58. Ire Macintosh & Dr. Juliet 59. El Pollo Diablo & Sean & Gezibelle the Great + Arwen 60. Kit Kat (Kat Meyers) & Juju Berry 61. Leslie Hand & Rohtia Viridis 62. Anna Smellypants & Emily (that lovable green-drinking girl!) 63. Jessica M & Liz McLean 64. Peaselblossom & InsanityInABox (amber) 65. Megan Niessink & Caitlin 66. Laura A & Penny Stewart 67. Katy Clark + Sophie Smith & Liberty Wench (Tessa) 68. Falling Angel & Trogodor the Burninator (Lena) 69. Paola (Blubbering Fool) & Arwen Hugamuggle & Gezibelle the Great 70. Leia Soleil & Tristan Lewis 71. Ana Gonzales & Mere 72. Arielle A & Sock Thief 73. MJ Hampton & Fionnuala 74. Christina Burgett & Raquel 75. Timmy & Cassy 76. PG & Whitney W 77. Lauren Franklin & Kit-Kat (&Jules) 78. Little Aims & Becca 79. Marfy Farmy & Cutie Pie 80. Margo Bear & Emerald Isle Girl3 81. Amanda D & Ire 82. Calliope Knight & Nicky P 83. Leslie Hand & Blanca Rojas 84. I am Lord Voldemort & Holly Stoltz 85. Random, the Purple & Green scarf & Alexia F. 86. Marffmaster Teapot. Yo. & Wacks16 87. Laurel Sampson + Jodee Jones + Lillian of Wayneflete +* EmiLy * + Katie Cameron + Kylaia A.+ Princess MofoBinch + KY+ Wensleydale + Liberty Wench & Kelly Jones 88. Christi Tulloch & Melisus 89. I am Lord Voldemort (Laraine) & MJ 90. Oliver W. & Penny 91. Marfymarfsmellow & Lezli 92. Smile & Gryffindor Lioness 93. Ainsley W. & Sandra (Jemma) Grunert 94. Cleia & Lauren Franklin 95. Jen Zuniga & Marfymarfsmellow 96. Delafish Queen & Clari Faerie Laila E. 97. Jessica & Melanie K + Alix 98. Katelynn C & Leia Soleil 99. Aimee Kensington & Aimee (Baby Angel) 100. Liv N & Lindsay S 101. Talkative Mime (Allie Smith) & Kristi-elize Catapusan 102. Erica Ruczynski & Roswell Chick (Cassy)
Badgerless (Oldies without Newbies) Anndy Malfoy
Lost Newbies: None!
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