> Do you like pestering fans? In either meaning of the word. :
Yes, only in reality, not on the internet.
> Whats the longest youve ever stayed awake? :
3 minutes
> Most favorite famous person? :
Daniel Johnston
> Funniest name for a town youve ever seen? :
> Worst name for a town youve ever seen? :
> Most awkward moment? :
Right now
> What do you want it to say on your tombstone? :
"Paul Kelly, who fell asleep....but we buried him anyway!"
> If Americans cant understand Scottish accents, can Scots understand American accents? :
> Most inspirational movie? :
This is Spinal Tap
> Most inspirational quote? :
"I'll fuckin' 14 you in the pace pal" - local hardcase who tried to beat me up when I was 14
> Most inspirational song? :
Probably one of Bob Dylan's. I think he's crap.
> Are you a Beatles fan? :
You bet
> Dullest place ever? :
> Is cheerleading a sport? :
I consider it an art
> Were the Proclaimers Scottish? :
Yes and they still are
> Do you mind when people spell colour as color? :
No, you can abbreviate the English language to make it easier to understand if you really have to
> What is a crambone anyway? :
No idea
> Whats a shilling? (just thought Id ask) :
Before pounds and pence, whe has shillings and pounds as currency in the UK
> What exactly is that picture on the front page of the Crambo site? :
A distoted image of 3 people on a bed
> Have any siblings? :
Yes, Jon who will be 23 in two weeks
> First concert you went to? :
Brian May Band, Edinburgh Playhouse, 1993 (blew my mind, and my ass)
> Last concert you went to? :
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Glasgow QMU, May 2002 (rockin')
> Is rust a color? :
Why not
> Ever been to the US? :
Yes, Florida in 1988
> Plan to? :
Oh yes
> Ever seen a flying pig?
Only on Kids In The Hall
Yes, and the one who photographed me made me look like a very ill David Bowie in 'The Man Who Fell To Earth'
Circus? :
Yes, several
> Ever kicked a Santa Claus? :
No, I always liked Santa Claus and he represents the true meaning of Xmas.
> Ever rubbed a really old lamp to see if a genie would come out? :
No comment
> Ever been skiing before? :
Yes, it was a disaster
> Ever tried skate boarding? :
Yes, I sucked
> Ever been arrested before? Dont need to know why, but it would be nice :
Nearly, for kung fu-ing a road sign.
> Ever been to private school? :
Fuck no! Equality for all, there's no point in education if you have to pay for the privilage...unless your country is fucked you have no choice, which is very sad.
> Ever hitchhiked? :
> Ever been 42? Plan to? :
I dont even plan to be 32
> Ever had cartoon themed bed sheets? :
Mr Men
> Ever eaten a tangelo? :
> Do you know what the deal with Sean and the badgers is? Its the only Sean question, but its been buggin me forever. :
Sean's father is a badger. His mother is parker from Tunderbirds. His sister is Glaxo industries
> Which came first, chicken or the egg?
Santa Claus & dinosaurs
>Quick question time. >
> Hobbits or elves? : Dwarves
> Coffee or tea? : either/or
> Soda or ale? : both
> Guitar or bass? : guitar
> Easter basket or laundry basket? : easter
> Dog or cat? : Cat
> Rain or shine? : Shine (.....)
> Weasel or ferret? : Weasel
> Neat or messy? : SCRUFFY
> Plate or bowl? : ......
> Hamburger or cheeseburger? : I don't eat red meat
> Are there really aliens? : No, of course there aren't
> DVD or VHS? : Just got a DVD drive, it's not too great
> Hot or cold? : Hotttttttttttttttttttttttttt
> Pre-wrapped sausage or pre-wrapped bacon? : Bacon (no red meat)
> Swimming pool or pool table? : Swimming
> Fish or lobster? : Both
> Pick or no pick (for guitar)? : Pick or will not play at all
> Cheese whiz or whipped cream? : I dont know what cheese wiz is, it sounds unpleasant
> Brush or comb? : comb
> Shit or shite? : merde
>Thats it! Pat yourself on the back! Any questions, comments or concerns?
My head hurts.
Paul x