Hi. My name is Kroots. And I work in a button factory. I have a wife... and no kids... but that's my family.
One day... my boss said Kroots are you busy I said no. So boss said push this button with..
OH. Sorry. *ahem* Actually I lied... my name is Kirsten. But... you can call me that... I guess... but BE REMINDED that it IS pronounced KEER-STIN!!!!
I'm also known as Krooton, Kroofus, Krooty Booty, Krootay! Umm... Krootsular!!
Yes yes... I am DIS many years old *holds up some fingers* and I live HERE *points to ground*.
I enjoy moonlit walks on the beach and sharing slop buckets with that special someone... Just kidding... Dr. Dolittle 2!!!
Anyway... I... I LUBE Lord of the Rings!!! And...
Orlando Bloom is sexy.*growls* I'm a-married to Jenny Lee McD and our wedding date is December 20th so I expect gifts *narrows eyes*
Yeah anyway... I LUBE my computer. I think I spend more time on the computer than sleeping... ya ya... OH WELL!!!
Ness is right... the world would be easier if people lived at their computers... you know except for the whole... constant crashing down thing... because if our computers were our worlds and it freezes and crashes then
I'm the HYPER HAPPYATOR!!!! *narrows eyes* Yeeees... you all know...
I know you do...